AI Video Script Generator

Why spend hours crafting scripts when you can do it in minutes? With Script Builder in BigMotion, you’ll create professional-grade scripts effortlessly—no matter the format.

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Your script for:

Script generations
Sure! I can help you with that. I'll create a script based on a popular video topic that tends to resonate with viewers. Let's go with “How I Quit My 9-to-5 to Travel the World.” 


[INTRO – 0:00-0:30]  
[Upbeat music playing]  
[The camera focuses on me, sitting in a cozy space with travel souvenirs around.]  

**Me**: "Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to my channel! If you're new here, I’m [Your Name] and today, I’ve got a story that could change your life! So grab a snack, get comfy, and let’s dive into how I quit my 9-to-5 job to travel the globe – and how you can too!"


[Cut to me in front of a stunning beach or mountains in a previous trip.]  

**Me**: "Then came the turning point! I was on a vacation with my friends, and we were sitting on this *breathtaking* beach. The sun was shining, waves crashing, and I realized: I was ALIVE. This was what I wanted, not that mundane desk job."  
[Show videos or pictures from that trip.]  
**Me**: "I came back home, and literally the next week, I typed up my resignation letter. My heart raced, my palms were sweaty. But I hit ‘send’ on that email, and suddenly I was free! Well, sort of… I had NO idea what I was going to do next."


"I began house-sitting, blogging, and even picked up some freelance gigs online, which gave me the freedom to work wherever I was! It wasn’t easy, but every challenge made me stronger."  


1725 / 1730

AI Video Script Generator Features

Create viral videos in any niche and on any topic

AI-Powered Script Writing
ChatGPT generates high-quality scripts tailored to your needs.
Article to Script
Copy-paste any article, and we’ll transform it into a video-ready script.
Website Content:
Drop a URL, and we’ll turn it into a killer script.
Research Simplified:
Summarize events, topics, or trends in seconds—ready to shoot.
Video Copy (Transcription)
Repurpose existing video content with editable scripts.

How To Create Video with BigMotion AI Script Generator


Choose the type of script you want to create, set the length, and make sure it aligns perfectly with your creative goals.


Write a few words or sentences describing the video content you want to produce.


Click 'Generate script' for the AI to create your video script, then use Auto Shorts Creator to craft your video!

Subscription FAQ

How can I automatically create a video script?  

BigMotion allows you to effortlessly generate a video script from your prompts. Simply enter a few words or sentences, specify the desired length and output format, then click “Generate script!”

What is a script generator?  

The BigMotion script generator is AI-driven software that produces a video script you can use to craft short films or scenes based on the prompt you provide. It can encompass scenes, descriptions, narrations, dialogues, and much more—tailored to your prompt and stylistic choices. With BigMotion, you can receive movie scripts in mere seconds after submitting your prompt!

What is the cost to use the BigMotion AI script generator?  

It won’t cost you a thing! The BigMotion AI video script generator is completely free to use. You can generate as many scripts as you like without any limitations! There's no need to sign up to create a script.

Are there any restrictions on the types of video scripts I can ask BigMotion to generate?

According to our content policy, we prohibit prompts that include:  
- hate or threats  
- self-harm  
- sexual or excessively explicit content, particularly involving minors  
- violence